The quietly circulating Paternoster is a relic of times when it was a symbol
of modernity and technical progress. With its vertical movement this charming
elevator is a metaphor for an eternal work process. But moving in vertical
direction is something unnatural for human beings living based on the ground,
although it was always the aim of human striving: to rise aloft. But the higher you climb,
the farther you fall. From this movement of the vertical axis my associations were
heaven and hell. These two symbols of ideological values should be poles for my
fictional journey in the Paternoster.
To transfer these ideas into fabric I got inspired by a children’s game also called
“heaven and hell”. This small movable object can be folded out of one single paper
sheet. Origami structures led me further on, and so I fixed the aim for my project:
to create movable, flexible and three-dimensional structures with textiles.
I concentrated on two folding principles based on polygon shapes, which I transferred
onto the fabric with silk screening.